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Entertainment Event Ticketing Platform

Product Type
Difficulty in finding and purchasing tickets for entertainment events, lack of personalized event recommendations, and limited payment options for entry tickets.
Market Size & User Personas
The market size includes entertainment lovers of all ages who attend concerts, sports events, theater shows, and other live events. User personas include music enthusiasts, sports fans, theater-goers, and event organizers.
An online ticketing platform that offers personalized event recommendations based on user preferences, flexible payment options, and an easy ticket purchasing process for a wide range of entertainment events.
MVP Features
User profiles, event recommendations, secure payment gateway, event calendar, ticket purchasing interface, and event organizer dashboard.
Implementation Details
Develop a web platform with a responsive design and a mobile app for convenient access. Integrate with event organizers' ticketing systems and partner with payment gateways for secure transactions.
Value Proposition
Convenient access to a wide range of entertainment events, personalized recommendations, and flexible payment options, making the ticket purchasing process hassle-free for users.
Pain Points to Solve
Difficulty in finding events, limited payment options, and lack of personalized recommendations for entertainment events.
Sales & Marketing Channels
Social media advertising, partnership with event organizers, influencer collaborations, and email marketing campaigns.
Revenue Stream Sources
Service fees on ticket sales, premium event recommendations, and advertising partnerships with event organizers.
Cost Structures
Platform development, payment gateway fees, marketing expenses, customer support, and partnerships with event organizers.
Key Activities
User acquisition, event curation, platform maintenance, customer support, and marketing campaigns.
Key Resources
Technology infrastructure, event databases, payment gateways, marketing team, and customer service personnel.
Key Partners
Event organizers, payment gateways, and marketing agencies.
Competition Landscape
Existing ticketing platforms, event discovery apps, and traditional box offices.
Competition Advantage
Personalized event recommendations, flexible payment options, and a user-friendly ticket purchasing interface.
Idea Validation Steps
Conduct user surveys, test MVP with a focus group, and partner with select event organizers for a trial run.
Potential Business Challenges
Competition from established ticketing platforms, user adoption of a new platform, and establishing partnerships with event organizers.